Who we are
The Bayshore Foundation for Empowered Living funds initiatives that address the barriers preventing people who are living with illness, injury or aging from living independently.
In communities that Bayshore HealthCare serves, we partner with local registered charities that offer resources and guidance; provide access to supportive tools, products and devices; and address inaccessibility in built environments. Funds raised in a community stay in that community, and our charitable partners keep us informed about how the money raised is used. (We are unable to support individuals, not-for-profits or other foundations).
Empowering Canadians who are living with illness, injury or aging to reclaim and maintain their independence.
To strategically fund initiatives that improve Canadians’ quality of life by removing barriers to independence.
The Parkinson Association of Alberta is proud to work alongside the Bayshore Foundation for Empowered Living on fundraising events and to ensure people with Parkinson’s have the tools and skills needed to help them remain in place at home.